Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Starting out!

So I have thought long and hard about this. I love blogging, but I really just don't have a lot of time to do so. I wanted to start a businesses type blog, and well I decided just to do it. I hope to be able to have good ideas about massage, stretching, meditation, eating well, and well really just healthy living on my blog. I am going to try to post twice a month, but at least once a month at the least.
This last weekend I went to continuing education class. I went and learned Thai Yoga Massage on the Table. The instructors were some I have learned from previously and they were awesome. They went through this meditation with us and well let me tell you it definitely helped me feel better about life in general! I know that meditation is something that not everyone understands or things a lot of...but I know that giving ourselves some down time every day would help each of us just feel better about life in general. It helps us mentally be okay with ourselves and what we are doing in our lives. So I wanted to leave the directions and such of the meditation here. If you can't dedicate 5-10 minutes a day once a week would also be beneficial!

Inner Smile Organ Meditation

This meditation provides us with the opportunity to cleanse, rebalance, and recharge the energy of five major internal organs. Just as we take steps to clean our bodies and brush our teeth, this exercise gives us an opportunity to wash away any residual stress, tension or emotions we may be holding on to. Espoused by Mantak Chia, a Qi Gong Master, this meditation may be done daily, and with practice can be completed within 5-10 minutes at the beginning or end of your day. According to Five Element Theory and Taoist philosophy, 5 major organs are each associated with a sound, color and other specific qualities like emotions.

Enjoy and may the chi be with you!

Beginning at the lungs:
Place your hands on your lungs while standing or sitting at the edge of your seat. Begin to rock from side to side on your sits bones (ischial tuberosities) and allow your gaze to follow the same side-to-side movement with your eyes closed. Imagine your eyes are like giant erasers sweeping across your lungs erasing any grief, sadness or depression. Once that feels complete take a deep breath in and create the sound SSSS as you exhale out 3X. After your 3rd exhalation hold the breath out and stretch open your chest as you tapote your lungs until you can’t hold your breath any longer. Raise your hands above your head as you suck the breath back in. And then press your palms down in front of you while breathing out the SSSS sound. On your next inhale float your hands back to the lungs and visualize the lungs filling up with white light. Continue to fill your lungs with courage, strength, and right action. Finally, smile (a gentle Mona Lisa smile) into your lungs.

*For each of the remaining 4 organs, repeat this sequence: 1. Hold over each organ releasing associated negative emotions or memories 2. Exhale the “sound” of each organ three times 3. Tapote all over the organ while holding the breath out 4. Raise the arms up on a strong inhalation and lower them in front of you with the sound of “Sssss” 5. Hold over the organ while visualizing the “color”, restoring positive qualities, and a gentle smile into the organ.

Release sadness, depression and grief
The sound is SSSS (tongue behind the teeth
The color is white
Restore courage, strength and right action

Release fear and anxiety
The sound is Choo (as when blowing out a candle: lips form an 'o')
The color is blue
Restore calm, stillness and gentleness

Release anger, jealousy and frustration
The sound is SHHH
The color is green
Restore forgiveness, acceptance and kindness

Release hastiness, cruelty and arrogance
The sound is HAW (mouth is wide open)
The color is red
Restore gratitude, patience, joy, love and sincerity

Release doubt, worry and negative speak about self and others
The sound is WHOO (from the throat, guttural)
The color is yellow
Restore trust, fairness and openness

Once you finish the healing sound for all five major organs, ground, center and assimilate the benefits of this meditation by making the sound of the Triple Warmer. Inhale and raise your palms up, and then exhale the sound Heeee while pressing the hands down in front of you from your head towards your feet. Repeat this two more times to complete the Smiling Organ Mediation.

You can find this meditation in greater detail in Mantak Chia’s book, Awaken Light of the Tao. You may also find more about Mantak Chia at his website